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Worldwide press and media are concerned by flame retardants effects and their use in consumer products, including furniture.
Here you find a selection of press articles and medias on the topic.
US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) decision on products containing flame retardants | September 2017
We have heard testimony from some of the nation’s most eminent scientists both from government and academia who are on the cutting edge of research into issues relating to chronic hazards, toxicity and flame retardants.
There was virtually unanimity on several key point and those are:
OFRs are toxic and prevent a host of hazards: cancer, mutagenicity, neurotoxicity, decreased IQ, impaired memory, learning deficits, endocrine disruption, thyroid interference and the list goes on and on and on with respect to toxicity.
Among the gathered experts, there was virtual unanimity on how best to deal with OFRs:
They need to be banned as a class to avoid this notion of regrettable substitution.
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) – 20 September 2017
How fire-safe is British furniture?BBC Newsnight
The devastating Grenfell Tower fire has prompted a complete review of fire safety regulations in tall buildings.
But how fire-safe is the furniture inside British homes? Newsnight’s Chris Cook investigates.
Newsnight is the BBC’s flagship news and current affairs TV programme – with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews.
ARTE documentary on the health risks posed by flame retardants
Is exposure to flame retardants and other toxics reducing the intelligence of our population?
On 11 November 2017 ” Brains in Danger: How chemicals are poisoning future generations “
[Original title: Demain, Tous Cretins?] premiered in France. The French documentary includes the story of flame retardants and the work carried out by Arlene Blum and the Green Science Policy Institute on flame retardants.
It shares the message that we need to reduce the use of toxic chemicals to protect our brains and those of future generations.

“You’re not getting any additional time to get out of a house in the event of a fire as an inclusion of flame retardants in the foam. No fire starts inside a foam cushion where there’s no oxygen. There’s a absolutely no need for the chemicals to be in the furniture – it causes the furniture to break down earlier,” says Endicott.
Time Magazine, 24.08.16